Am I immune to change?
Hours before I was due at the Badass Mamas group, I toyed with the idea of just dropping out. I knew we were going to work on the exercise from the book “Immunity to Change: How to Overcome it and Unlock Potential in Yourself and Your Organization.” My brain kept telling me that I am actually immune to change. Joining a support group to try to move what feels like immovable problems was a really nice idea. But, come on, I’d been struggling with this exercise for weeks and felt like I was getting nowhere. I couldn’t really figure out why I was stuck. If I casually dropped out, I could avoid really looking at some truth that felt not so great.
Badass Mamas Manifesto
untangling stuckness
We talked about our stuck places and how difficult really changing ourselves feels at the last Badass Mamas circle. Jenni said if changing our lives was easy, we would have done it already. I brought my own stuck place to the Badass Mamas circle on Monday night. There’s embarrassment around this seemingly unmovable condition. And shame. And years of thinking hasn’t propelled me into being unstuck.